[MT] 2014 Tohoku Pacific Ocean coastal areas vegetation, waters, etc. investigation _ (2) specific plant community survey


[MT] Among the specific plant communities 126 places in the cities, towns and villages, including the tsunami inundation area that has been selected as the natural environment conservation on important plant communities, is the result of investigation f...

Data and Resources

  • 報告書(抜粋)PDF

  • 調査地点位置_shapeZIP

  • 調査地点位置_kmlKMZ

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated November 13, 2020, 11:05 (CST)
Created October 11, 2020, 23:42 (CST)
DPA_DateImported 202851832
DPA_former_id e9e53613-e6fa-4cfb-99c2-e4a2bb3b0b6e
DPA_former_name env_20150515_0005
DPA_former_owner_org b02328b9-0814-479e-9b74-27be31b0ca55
DPA_former_site https://www.data.go.jp/data/en
contactPoint 自然環境局生物多様性センター
creator 自然環境局生物多様性センター
description 自然環境保全上重要な植物群落として選定された津波浸水域を含む市町村にある特定植物群落126箇所のうち、震災や復興事業の影響の可能性がある26箇所について調査した結果です。
landingPage http://www.shiokaze.biodic.go.jp/26sokuhou.html
publisher 環境省
release_date 2015-04
resource_names 報告書(抜粋),調査地点位置_shape,調査地点位置_kml
AODP Economy Japan