Graduates of Agriculture Institute Sarawak Statistics By Race And Career
Graduates of Agriculture Institute Sarawak Statistics By Race And Career

The data shows the number of graduates based on years and their career of undertaking

The data shows the number of graduates based on years and their career of undertaking

Data and Resources

  • Graduates of Agriculture Institute Sarawak ....xlsx

    The data shows the number of graduates based on years and their career of...

  • Graduates of Agriculture Institute Sarawak ....csv

    The data shows the number of graduates based on years and their career of...

Additional Info

Field Value
Source Department of Agriculture Sarawak
Maintainer Chong Mui Sia
Last Updated November 11, 2020, 11:39 (CST)
Created October 13, 2020, 00:51 (CST)
DPA_DateImported 202861325
DPA_former_id 6dde3928-cbb3-4b95-bb87-bb71496b3b4e
DPA_former_name graduates-of-agriculture-institute-sarawak-statistics-by-race-and-career
DPA_former_owner_org 18997c3f-29df-4e8b-a08d-1169f892d02a
DPA_former_site http://www.data.gov.my/data/en_US
next_update 2021-07-15T05:00:02.507543
update_frequency 5
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