Mid-Year Population Estimates by Age Group and Sex, Malaysia, 2016
Mid-Year Population Estimates by Age Group and Sex, Malaysia, 2016

This data set shows mid-year population estimates by age group and sex, Malaysia, 2016. Population estimates is the calculated number of people living in an area as of a specified point in time, usually July 1st. The estimated population is calculated using a component of change model that incorporates information on natural increase (birth and death) and net migration (net internal migration, net international migration).

This data set shows mid-year population estimates by age group and sex, Malaysia, 2016. Population estimates is the calculated number of people living in an area as of a specified point in time, usually July 1st. The estimated population is calculated u...

Data and Resources

  • Mid-Year Population Estimates, Malaysia, 2016CSV Popular

    This data set shows mid-year population estimates by age group and sex,...

Additional Info

Field Value
Source www.dosm.gov.my
Author Noor Faadlilah Ismail
Maintainer Suraya Hani Mohamad Ashi
Last Updated November 13, 2020, 11:06 (CST)
Created October 24, 2020, 01:35 (CST)
DPA_DateImported 202972035
DPA_former_id b1357525-3904-4073-8482-97579694b65c
DPA_former_name mid-year-population-estimates-malaysia-2016
DPA_former_owner_org d4c131a7-0b85-4d00-ad23-4ce14de21e8a
DPA_former_site http://www.data.gov.my/data/en_US
update_frequency 5
AODP Economy Malaysia