Number of Natural Gas Customers of GMB and SEC by Sector
Number of Natural Gas Customers of GMB and SEC by Sector

The data refers to the number of customers under GMB and SEC (major player for piped gas distribution in Peninsular and Sabah) by sector.

The data refers to the number of customers under GMB and SEC (major player for piped gas distribution in Peninsular and Sabah) by sector.

Data and Resources

  • Number of Natural Gas Customers of GMB and SEC ...XLSX

    The data refers to the number of customers under GMB and SEC (major player...

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Aimi Hazwanie
Last Updated November 11, 2020, 14:18 (CST)
Created October 24, 2020, 05:04 (CST)
DPA_DateImported 202972035
DPA_former_id f2105a10-ad8a-4f41-a8cd-6ed7b0c66a65
DPA_former_name number-of-natural-gas-customers-of-gmb-and-sec-by-sector
DPA_former_owner_org e66093ff-2d92-45c0-ba03-9fc0c6d1348e
DPA_former_site http://www.data.gov.my/data/en_US
update_frequency 5
AODP Economy Malaysia