Batas-batas Wilayah Administrasi Kelurahan Lebak Siliwangi
[MT] The boundaries of the Village Administrative Region Lebak Siliwangi

Dataset ini berisi batas-batas wilayah administrasi Kelurahan Lebak Siliwangi Kecamatan Coblong dalam format GeoJSON.

[MT] This dataset contains administrative boundaries of the village of Lebak Siliwangi District of Coblong in GeoJSON format.

Data and Resources

  • Tahun 2016 - Data Batas Wilayah Administrasi ...GeoJSON

    Dataset ini berisi batas-batas wilayah administratif Kelurahan Lebak...

Additional Info

Field Value
Source http://bsm.bandung.go.id/
Author Open Data Kota Bandung
Maintainer Open Data Kota Bandung
Last Updated October 25, 2020, 00:26 (CST)
Created October 25, 2020, 00:26 (CST)
DPA_DateImported 202981454
DPA_former_id 324c74aa-6bce-4445-9b00-13582dc764b2
DPA_former_name batas-batas-administrasi-wilayah-kelurahan-lebak-siliwangi
DPA_former_owner_org 36b088cc-f25e-4351-b967-46ced0e51040
DPA_former_site https://data.go.id
AODP Economy Indonesia