Senarai Anugerah ke atas Kompleks PSM
[MT] List Awards on HRD Complex

Senarai anugerah dan sijil yang telah diterima ke atas Kompleks-kompleks di bawah pengurusan PSM

[MT] List of awards and certificates which have been accepted into the complexes under the management of PSM

Data and Resources

  • Penganugerahan ke atas Kompleks-kompleks di ....xlsx

    Senarai anugerah dan sijil yang telah diterima ke atas Kompleks-kompleks di...

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Suhana Zabor
Maintainer Wan Radhiyah
Last Updated November 13, 2020, 11:20 (CST)
Created October 29, 2020, 07:28 (CST)
DPA_DateImported 203020038
DPA_former_id c2d4687b-4e4d-41b1-9e2f-64282bff6b8b
DPA_former_name senarai-anugerah-ke-atas-kompleks-psm
DPA_former_owner_org acb57858-8def-4fd4-b5c4-92b4e3022c45
DPA_former_site http://www.data.gov.my/data/en_US
update_frequency 5
AODP Economy Malaysia