Union Budget (2012-13) - Department of Urban Development
Union Budget (2012-13) - Department of Urban Development

Total Union Budget Allocation for the Department of Urban Development. It includes allocation for Town and Country Planning Organisation, National Capital Region, Other Urban Development Schemes, Mission for development of 100 Smart Cities and Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JnNURM), Directorate of Estates, Govt Residential Buildings, Metro Projects, Grants to Delhi Metro Rail Corporation, Lumpsum provision for projects/ schemes for the benefit of the North Eastern Region and Sikkim, etc.

Total Union Budget Allocation for the Department of Urban Development. It includes allocation for Town and Country Planning Organisation, National Capital Region, Other Urban Development Schemes, Mission for development of 100 Smart Cities and Jawaharla...

Data and Resources

  • Department of Urban Development 2012-2013CSV

    Total Union Budget Allocation for the Department of Urban Development. It...

  • Department of Urban Development 2012-2013XLS

    Total Union Budget Allocation for the Department of Urban Development. It...

  • Department of Urban Development 2012-2013PDF

    Total Union Budget Allocation for the Department of Urban Development. It...

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated November 13, 2020, 01:02 (CST)
Created October 28, 2020, 13:44 (CST)
DPA_DateImported 203020903
DPA_former_id c7686ac9-163d-48f6-8b3e-9abc086d3036
DPA_former_name department-of-urban-development-2012-2013
DPA_former_owner_org department-of-urban-development
DPA_former_site https://openbudgetsindia.org
Theme Union Government Expenditure Budget
AODP Economy India