Knowledge Workers in Private Sector
Knowledge Workers in Private Sector

"The knowledge employees are three first major group of ISCO-08. These major groups are: 1-Managers, 2-Professionals and 3-Technicians and associate professionals. The data is the distribution of the knowledge employees in the private sector (excluding the Free zone) by the following attributes: (1) gender, (2) age class, (3) emirate, (4) skill level as per labour law in UAE and (5) the economic activity at the section level of the International Standard Industries Classifcation version 3.1 (ISIC 3.1). 2011-2019" *metadata sheet included in the file

"The knowledge employees are three first major group of ISCO-08. These major groups are: 1-Managers, 2-Professionals and 3-Technicians and associate professionals. The data is the distribution of the knowledge employees in the private sector (excluding ...

Data and Resources

  • Knowledge Workers in Private Sector 2011-2019XLSX Popular

  • (metadata) Knowledge Workers in Private Sector ...XLSX

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated November 13, 2020, 11:25 (CST)
Created October 30, 2020, 12:20 (CST)
DPA_DateImported 203041152
DPA_former_id fe4a8cf0-ab24-4dc4-916e-3f5e2a14b1a5
DPA_former_name knowledge-workers-in-private-sector
DPA_former_owner_org b75066ad-8195-4bf0-89dd-2e8f1eb57669
DPA_former_site http://data.bayanat.ae/en_GB
End Year 2019
Start Year 2011
calculation methodology Count of Employment by occupation in Private sector distribution by gender, age, emirate, city, economic activity, skill.
AODP Economy UAE