Mortality by Cause, Sex, Nationality and Medical District
Mortality by Cause, Sex, Nationality and Medical District

The dataset highlights the total number of mortality distributed by cause, sex, nationality, and medical district in 2015

The dataset highlights the total number of mortality distributed by cause, sex, nationality, and medical district in 2015

Data and Resources

  • Mortality by Cause, Sex, Nationality and ...XLSX Popular

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality distributed by cause,...

  • Mortality by diabetes mellitus cause, sex, ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by diabetes mellitus...

  • Mortality by accident and adverse effects ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by accident and adverse...

  • Mortality by abortion cause, sex, nationality ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by abortion cause, sex,...

  • Mortality by accidental poisoning cause, sex, ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of accidental poisoning mortality...

  • Mortality by atherosclerosis cause, sex, ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by atherosclerosis...

  • Mortality by acute rheumatic fever cause, sex, ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by acute rheumatic fever...

  • Mortality by anaemias cause, sex, nationality ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by anaemias cause, sex,...

  • Mortality by birth trauma cause, sex, ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by birth trauma cause,...

  • Mortality by bronchitis emphysema and asthma ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by bronchitis emphysema...

  • Mortality by burns cause, sex, nationality and ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by burns cause, sex,...

  • Mortality by cerebrovascular disease cause, ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality cerebrovascular disease...

  • Mortality by conditions originating in the ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by conditions...

  • Mortality by chronic liver diseases and ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by chronic liver...

  • Mortality by congenital anomalies cause, sex, ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by congenital anomalies...

  • Mortality by rheumatic heart diseases cause, ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by rheumatic heart...

  • Mortality by direct obstetric deaths cause, ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by direct obstetric...

  • Mortality by Nervous System diseases cause, ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by nervous system...

  • Mortality by Effects of Foreign Body Entering ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality caused by Effects of...

  • Mortality by infectious parasitic diseases ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality caused by infectious...

  • Mortality by hyperplasia of prostate cause, ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by hyperplasia of...

  • Mortality by Injuries and poisoning cause, ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by Injuries and...

  • Mortality by Ischaemic Heart Disease, Sex, ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality distributed by cause,...

  • Mortality by intestinal infectious diseases ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by intestinal infectious...

  • Mortality by Leukaemia, Sex, Nationality and ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by leukaemia cause, sex,...

  • Mortality by hypertensive disease cause, sex, ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by hypertensive disease...

  • Mortality by fractures cause, sex, nationality ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality caused by intracranial...

  • Mortality by influenza cause, sex, nationality ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by influenza cause, sex,...

  • Mortality by acute myocardial infraction ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality caused by acute...

  • Mortality by Intracranial & Internal Injuries, ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality caused by intracranial...

  • Mortality by Malaria Cause, Sex, Nationality ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by Malaria distributed...

  • Mortality by Malignant Neoplasm of Trachea, ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality caused by malignant...

  • Mortality by Malignant Neoplasm of Breast ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality caused by malignant...

  • Mortality by Malignant Neoplasm of Cervix ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality caused by Malignant...

  • Mortality by Malignant Neoplasm Of Colon ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by Malignant Neoplasm Of...

  • Mortality by Malignant Neoplasm Of Rectum ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by malignant neoplasm of...

  • Mortality by Malignant Neoplasm Of Stomach ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by neoplasm of stomach...

  • Mortality by Measles Cause, Sex, Nationality ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by Measles cause, sex,...

  • Mortality by Meningitis Cause, Sex, ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality Meningitis cause, sex,...

  • Mortality by Meningococcal Infection Cause, ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality Meningococcal Infection...

  • Mortality by Mental Disorders Cause, Sex, ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by mental disorders...

  • Mortality by Misadventures During Medical Care ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality caused by misadventures...

  • Mortality by Motor Vehicle & Traffic Acc. ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality caused by motor vehicle...

  • Mortality by Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome, & ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality caused by nephritis...

  • Mortality by Nutritional Marasmus Cause, Sex, ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by nutritional marasmus...

  • Mortality by Other C.V.D. Cause, Sex, ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by other cardiovascular...

  • Mortality by Other diseases of GIT Cause, Sex, ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by other...

  • Mortality by Other Diseases of the Circulatory ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality caused by other diseases...

  • Mortality by Other Malignant Neoplasm Cause, ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by other malignant...

  • Mortality by Other Protein and calorie ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality caused by protein and...

  • Mortality by Other Respiratory Cause, Sex, ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by other respiratory...

  • Mortality by Pneumonia Cause, Sex, Nationality ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by pneumonia cause, sex,...

  • Mortality by Poisoning & Toxic Effects Cause, ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by poisoning and toxic...

  • Mortality by Septicaemia Cause, Sex, ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by septicaemia cause,...

  • Mortality by nonspecific Causes, Sex, ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by nonspecific causes,...

  • Mortality by Smallpox Cause, Sex, Nationality ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by smallpox cause, sex,...

  • Mortality by Tetanus Cause, Sex, Nationality ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by tetanus cause, sex,...

  • Mortality by Ulcer of Stomach Duodenum Cause, ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality caused by ulcer of...

  • Mortality by Tuberculosis Cause, Sex, ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by tuberculosis cause,...

  • Mortality by Whooping Cough Cause, Sex, ...XLSX

    The dataset highlights the total number of mortality by whooping cough cause,...

Additional Info

Field Value
Source http://www.mohap.gov.ae/Files/MOH_OpenData/498/8-Mortality_By_Cause_Gender_Nationality_2015.pdf
Last Updated November 13, 2020, 11:39 (CST)
Created October 30, 2020, 13:03 (CST)
Contact Ministry Of Health
DPA_DateImported 203041152
DPA_former_id 85386142-ca35-4682-82c5-a3223e78c4b0
DPA_former_name mortality-by-cause-sex-nationality-and-medical-district
DPA_former_owner_org 4e6c9523-d4f6-42bd-8aa7-0add9eb575e6
DPA_former_site http://data.bayanat.ae/en_GB
Data Owner Ministry Of Health
Date Created (DD:MM:YYYY) 31 December 2015
End Year (YYYY) 2015
Keywords Mortality, cause, death, cancer, Intestinal infectious Diseases, Tuberculosis, Septicaemia, Measles, Malignant Neoplasm Of Stomach Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm al-Quwain, Ras Al-Khaimah, Fujairah, citizen, non-citizen
Language English and Arabic
Last Updated (DD:MM:YYYY) 31 December 2015
Original Page Number
Original Table Number 8
Theme Health
AODP Economy UAE