المتوسط ​​السنوي لتركيز ملوثات الهواء حسب محطة المراقبة ونوع الملوثات
[MT] Annual average to focus air pollutants according to the control station and pollutants type

المتوسط ​​السنوي لتركيز ملوثات الهواء حسب نوع الملوثات ومحطة المراقبة في الإمارات الرئيسية التي لديها محطات مراقبة. ملاحظة: لا تمتلك جميع الإمارات محطات مراقبة. محطات المراقبة المذكورة هي محطات المراقبة الوحيدة المتاحة.

[MT] The annual average of the focus of air pollutants by type of pollutants and monitoring station in the major Emirates with monitoring stations. Note: All the UAE does not have control stations. The monitoring stations mentioned are the only surveill...

Data and Resources

  • Annual Average of Air Pollutants ...XLSX

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated November 13, 2020, 01:01 (CST)
Created October 31, 2020, 08:01 (CST)
Calculation methodology Average of Air Pollutants Concentration
DPA_DateImported 203050724
DPA_former_id db3def8f-9dae-4f89-afff-30e9910f982b
DPA_former_name annual-average-of-air-pollutants-concentration-by-monitoring-station
DPA_former_owner_org 8673a3f5-51a4-4643-8269-2d4ab79defc7
DPA_former_site http://data.bayanat.ae/en_GB
End Year 2017
Last update 2017
Source Record data / Statistics Center - Abu Dhabi for the Environment Authority - Abu Dhabi - Dubai Statistics Center - for Dubai Municipality - National Meteorological Center - for Sharjah, Ajman and Ras Al Khaimah stations - Center for Statistics and Competitiveness - Government of the Emirate of Ajman - for the Department of Municipality and Planning
Start year 2013
Statistical concepts and definitions Monitoring station: A facility for measuring emissions or concentrations of surrounding pollutants. Air pollutants: Any material that results in its discharge into the air environment in a direct or indirect way, whether voluntary or involuntary, to a change in its properties in a way that is harmful to humans, other living organisms, natural resources, or the air environment, harms the tourist areas, or interferes with other legitimate uses of the air environment. 1 Air quality standards (standards): levels of air pollutants stipulated in the regulations, which may not be exceeded during a specified period in a specific area. Sulfur dioxide (SO 2): a heavy, odorless, colorless gas released mainly as a result of combustion of fossil fuels, which is harmful to humans and plants, and contributes to acid rain. Nitrogen Dioxide (2 NO): a brownish-red gas that usually appears over urban areas and has an irritating odor, causing irritation to the lungs, with a negative environmental impact. Inhalable particles (size less than 10 microns or less than 2.5 microns): Fine liquid or solid particles such as dust, smoke, fog, fumes, or smog that are in the air as a result of combustion processes, industrial activities, or from natural sources. Ground Ozone (3 O): a colorless odorless gas, a decoration that contains three atoms of oxygen in each molecule. It is found as secondary pollutants in the lower atmosphere and other pollutants can enhance its formation.
AODP Economy UAE