[MT] Kaohsiung City Deng Reneviation

提供高雄市即時的登革熱資訊,包括: 登革熱個案病例:以地圖檢視本市內各區的病例即時分布,並可依時間區間及病例類型作查詢。 登革熱衛教資訊:登革熱防疫小資訊,使民眾正確且有效的撲滅登革熱。

[MT] Providing Kaohsiung City Instant decycle hot information, including: a case of dengue hot cases: a map review in the city's cases instant distribution, and can be inquired according to time intervals and case types. Dengue Head Health News: Dengue ...

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Author 衛生局
Last Updated November 20, 2020, 20:17 (CST)
Created November 20, 2020, 19:45 (CST)
Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tw.gov.kcg
iOS https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/gao-xiong-shi-deng-ge-re-min/id971608841
image_url 2017-02-17-085406.384270gaoxiong.jpg
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