daftar kontak kesbangpol se aceh
[MT] List of Kesbangpol Contacts in Aceh

berisikan nama nama kontak kesbanpol se aceh

[MT] contain the name of the name of the sole in Aceh

Data and Resources

  • daftar nama kesbangpol.csvCSV

Additional Info

Field Value
Author sekretariat
Maintainer kepala tatausaha
Last Updated April 14, 2021, 05:41 (CST)
Created April 14, 2021, 05:41 (CST)
DPA_DateImported 211032027
DPA_former_id 3c5511a6-b8f7-4d93-96bd-df14036029e0
DPA_former_name daftar-kontak-kesbangpol-se-aceh
DPA_former_owner_org e7ef3ca2-83be-4d9e-b33e-87277c38330f
DPA_former_site https://data.go.id
update 1 tahun
AODP Economy Indonesia