[MT] List of petrol stations on Bertol Highway
Data and Resources
Senarai Stesen Petrol di LebuhrayaXLSX
Senarai Stesen Petrol di Lebuhraya
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Source | Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia |
Author | Suhayya binti Rofik |
Maintainer | Mohd Fikri Hafifi bin Yusof |
Last Updated | May 4, 2021, 19:18 (CST) |
Created | May 4, 2021, 19:17 (CST) |
DPA_DateImported | 211240755 |
DPA_former_id | 0bd70a59-41d0-4833-8178-877d5682256d |
DPA_former_name | senarai-stesen-petrol-di-lebuhraya |
DPA_former_owner_org | 61abc1d8-d600-4152-93b1-902907573b14 |
DPA_former_site | http://www.data.gov.my/data/en_US |
next_update | |
update_frequency | 5 |
AODP Economy | Malaysia |