Livre Bleu Diplomatique 2020 (Version Resumee)
[MT] 2020 diplomatic blue book (resume version)

An overview of the international situation and Japan's diplomacy in 2019(Summary version in French)

An overview of the international situation and Japan's diplomacy in 2019(Summary version in French)

Data and Resources

  • Livre Bleu Diplomatique 2020 (Version ...PDF


Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated September 8, 2021, 20:18 (CST)
Created September 8, 2021, 20:18 (CST)
DPA_DateImported 212510840
DPA_former_id ace7d188-85b3-4177-a5c2-c21443f1f9c0
DPA_former_name mofa_20201116_0016
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DPA_former_site https://www.data.go.jp/data/en
contactPoint 総合外交政策局
creator 総合外交政策局
description An overview of the international situation and Japan's diplomacy in 2019(Summary version in French)
frequency_of_update 1年
landingPage https://www.mofa.go.jp/fp/pp/page22e_000929.html
publisher 外務省
release_date 2020-10
resource_names Livre Bleu Diplomatique 2020 (Version Resumee)(PDF)
AODP Economy Japan