[MT] 2020 diplomatic blue book (resume version)
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Livre Bleu Diplomatique 2020 (Version ...PDF
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Last Updated | September 8, 2021, 20:18 (CST) |
Created | September 8, 2021, 20:18 (CST) |
DPA_DateImported | 212510840 |
DPA_former_id | ace7d188-85b3-4177-a5c2-c21443f1f9c0 |
DPA_former_name | mofa_20201116_0016 |
DPA_former_owner_org | 4e13b6ff-5a1c-4338-a0d3-f20b345034d6 |
DPA_former_site | https://www.data.go.jp/data/en |
contactPoint | 総合外交政策局 |
creator | 総合外交政策局 |
description | An overview of the international situation and Japan's diplomacy in 2019(Summary version in French) |
frequency_of_update | 1年 |
landingPage | https://www.mofa.go.jp/fp/pp/page22e_000929.html |
publisher | 外務省 |
release_date | 2020-10 |
resource_names | Livre Bleu Diplomatique 2020 (Version Resumee)(PDF) |
spatial | |
AODP Economy | Japan |