Online Handwritten Assamese Characters Dataset
Online Handwritten Assamese Characters Dataset

This is a dataset of 8235 online handwritten assamese characters. The “online” process involves capturing of data as text is written on a digitizing tablet with an electronic pen.

This is a dataset of 8235 online handwritten assamese characters. The “online” process involves capturing of data as text is written on a digitizing tablet with an electronic pen.

Data and Resources

  • Online Handwritten Assamese Characters ...JSON

  • Online Handwritten Assamese Characters Dataset.rarRAR

Additional Info

Field Value
Author MCI Machine Learning Repository
Last Updated September 16, 2021, 13:52 (CST)
Created September 16, 2021, 13:51 (CST)
Area "Computer"
Associated Tasks "Classification"
Attribute Characteristics "Integer"
DPA_DateImported 212582112
DPA_former_id 97ae4142-68f6-4be8-8465-f490f335b9ba
DPA_former_name online-handwritten-assamese-characters-dataset
DPA_former_owner_org aac07418-7ef8-49ab-b0b2-e4e75a5379fe
DPA_former_site https://scidm.nchc.org.tw
Data Set Characteristics "Multivariate
Date Donated "2011-04-01"
Missing Values "N/A"
Number of Instances "8235"
Number of Web Hits "37613"
Number_of_Attributes "N/A"
AODP Economy Taiwan