جدول رقم (22): قيم ونسب التداولات في سوق الأسهم حسب نوع المستثمر الربع الثاني 2022
Table (22): Values and Percentages of Trades in the Stock Market Classified by Investor Type (Main Market) Q2 2022

البيانات في الجدول متعلقة بالسوق المالية السعودية

The data in the table is related to the Saudi stock market

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Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated December 6, 2022, 02:40 (CST)
Created December 6, 2022, 02:40 (CST)
DPA_DateImported 223390952
DPA_former_id 372ae097-1cca-492f-97ac-266605dda29f
DPA_former_name table-22-values-and-percentages-of-trades-in-the-stock-market-classified-by-investor-type-q2-2022
DPA_former_owner_org afd0f613-3fae-42fa-a383-b87647e8d32f
DPA_former_site https://od.data.gov.sa/Data/en
AODP Economy Saudi Arabia