2 datasets found

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Categories: B. Environment C. Population and society Tags: Economy Safety legal legislation 製造

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  • flag_japan 2 Views


    Title in English:


    本報告書は、POPs 条約の規制候補物質(当該物質)が第一種特定化学物質に指定された際に適切な措置を講じることができるよう、当該物質の製造、輸入、調剤生産、成形品生産等の商流の各段階の事業者を対象に調査した結果を取り纏めたものである。デカブロモジフェニルエーテル、塩素化パラフィンを調査対象とした。

    Description in English:

    [MT] The report, to allow appropriate measures that when restricting candidates POPs Treaty (the substance) is designated as a Class I Specified Chemical Substance, manufacture of the substance, importing, preparations production, molded articles the re...
  • flag_japan 5 Views Popular


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    [MT] This report, but the potential of mineral resources is rich, for mine development of resource-rich countries advance of Japanese companies is limited (Papua New Guinea and Iran), the potential of mineral resources, transportation and transportation...
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