Title in English:
PISA هو تقييم عالمي لمرة كل ثلاث سنوات يدرس قدرة الطلاب على استخدام المهارات المعرفية في المجالات الرئيسية لمحو الأمية القراءة ، ومحو الأمية في الرياضيات ومحو الأمية في العلوم....Description in English:
[MT] Pisa is a universal assessment of every three years studying the ability of students to use cognitive skills in key areas for literacy reading, literacy in mathematics and literacy in science. (Mainly in classes 7-12). The International Student Eva... -
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This dataset is a combination of the consumption of sales in the oil and gas industry and the actual electricity consumption this data is only available in the existing...Description in English:
This dataset is a combination of the consumption of sales in the oil and gas industry and the actual electricity consumption this data is only available in the existing breakdown until further surveys are conducted. -
Title in English:
المتوسط السنوي لتركيز ملوثات الهواء حسب نوع الملوثات ومحطة المراقبة في الإمارات الرئيسية التي لديها محطات مراقبة. ملاحظة: لا تمتلك جميع الإمارات محطات مراقبة. محطات المراقبة...Description in English:
[MT] The annual average of the focus of air pollutants by type of pollutants and monitoring station in the major Emirates with monitoring stations. Note: All the UAE does not have control stations. The monitoring stations mentioned are the only surveill... -
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The relative distribution of families according to the family type and the prevailing material in the construction of the walls the dataset produced in the year 2019 for the...Description in English:
The relative distribution of families according to the family type and the prevailing material in the construction of the walls the dataset produced in the year 2019 for the first time with this breakdown in the UAE. These proportions are measured every... -
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The relative distribution of families according to the type of household and the prevailing material in the construction of the floors the dataset produced in the year 2019 for...Description in English:
The relative distribution of families according to the type of household and the prevailing material in the construction of the floors the dataset produced in the year 2019 for the first time with this breakdown in the UAE. These proportions are measure... -
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The relative distribution of families according to the type of family and the prevailing material in the construction of the ceiling the dataset produced in the year 2019 for...Description in English:
The relative distribution of families according to the type of family and the prevailing material in the construction of the ceiling the dataset produced in the year 2019 for the first time with this breakdown in the UAE. These proportions are measured ... -
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Title in English:
The data set represents the primary energy form found in nature that has not been subjected to any human engineered conversion process. It is the energy contained in raw fuels....Description in English:
The data set represents the primary energy form found in nature that has not been subjected to any human engineered conversion process. It is the energy contained in raw fuels. It can be non-renewable or renewable