5 datasets found

Contents in English are mainly machine translated, may not reflect the exact meaning.

Categories: H. Government and public sector Tags: ODT

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  • flag_uae 4 Views


    Title in English:


    Total Expenditure Health at the UAE level (In millions AED) from 2010 to 2018 according to the standards of the government's financial statistics manual issued by the...

    Description in English:

    Total Expenditure Health at the UAE level (In millions AED) from 2010 to 2018 according to the standards of the government's financial statistics manual issued by the International Monetary Fund
  • flag_uae 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Indicator Definition: Education is a branch of the public sector, according to COFOG classification that includes activities of Pre-primary, primary, secondary and tertiary...

    Description in English:

    Indicator Definition: Education is a branch of the public sector, according to COFOG classification that includes activities of Pre-primary, primary, secondary and tertiary education, post-secondary non-tertiary education, education non definable by lev...
  • flag_uae 3 Views


    Title in English:


    Total of beds per 10,000 population. Hospital beds include inpatient beds available in public, private, general and specialized hospitals and rehabilitation centers. In most...

    Description in English:

    Total of beds per 10,000 population. Hospital beds include inpatient beds available in public, private, general and specialized hospitals and rehabilitation centers. In most cases, beds for both acute and chronic care are included
  • flag_uae 2 Views


    Title in English:


    المتوسط ​​السنوي لتركيز ملوثات الهواء حسب نوع الملوثات ومحطة المراقبة في الإمارات الرئيسية التي لديها محطات مراقبة. ملاحظة: لا تمتلك جميع الإمارات محطات مراقبة. محطات المراقبة...

    Description in English:

    [MT] The annual average of the focus of air pollutants by type of pollutants and monitoring station in the major Emirates with monitoring stations. Note: All the UAE does not have control stations. The monitoring stations mentioned are the only surveill...
  • flag_uae


    Title in English:


    This dataset includes the Proportion of women in government, management or senior positions for the years 2000 - 2019

    Description in English:

    This dataset includes the Proportion of women in government, management or senior positions for the years 2000 - 2019
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