232 datasets found

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Catalogues: data.gov.tw Formats: CSV Categories: J. Health

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  • flag_taiwan 1 View


    Title in English:



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    [MT] 1. This study has two main objectives, first, to optimize the economic benefits of innovation and technology measure, to master effective outcomes in different areas of the legal department designed plan; at the same time, continue to accumulate re...
  • flag_taiwan 5 Views Popular


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    [MT] Description of important health and safety information on the characteristics of this material propylene, occupational safety and the environment is an important Cankaoziliao, the source of data for internal company information.
  • flag_taiwan 4 Views


    Title in English:


    統計項目定義: (一)校舍:指學校各類建築物。包括普通教室、特別教室、辦公室、禮堂、圖書室、實習場所、室內運動場所、餐廳、宿舍及其他等建築物。 (二)普通教室:指一般之教室。 (三)特別教室:指有專門用途之教室,如視聽教室、美勞教室、音樂教室、家事教室、軍訓教室 、繪圖教室、電腦教室、工藝教室等。...

    Description in English:

    [MT] Statistics project definition:   (A) buildings: refers to all types of school buildings. Including ordinary classrooms, special classrooms, offices, auditorium, library, training venues, indoor sports facilities, restaurants, dormitories and other...
  • flag_taiwan 2 Views


    Title in English:



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    [MT] To help cosmetics industrial upgrading and transformation, the Republic of China Council since 1997 implementation of the "voluntary Cosmetics Good Manufacturing Practices certification systems", counseling cosmetics industry build GMP manufacturin...
  • flag_taiwan 1 View


    Title in English:



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    [MT] Other sources of revenue budget table, annual expenditure authorities do not budget table, revenue Item Description summary table, annual expenditure plan summary overview table and branch plans, exchange fees count table, the age of the subjects d...
  • flag_taiwan 1 View


    Title in English:



    Description in English:

    [MT] Other sources of revenue budget table, annual expenditure authorities do not budget table, revenue Item Description summary table, annual expenditure plan summary overview table and branch plans, exchange fees count table, the age of the subjects d...
  • flag_taiwan 2 Views


    Title in English:



    Description in English:

    [MT] Analysis table containing personnel costs, official vehicles schedule, fees sinks meter table, table analysis commissioned funds, total sent abroad program budget tables, table sent abroad program categories - study, sent abroad program category ta...
  • flag_taiwan 2 Views


    Title in English:



    Description in English:

    [MT] Tax offices across the country directly from the levy or net commission income taxes levied by the empirical content includes the Tax Division of income, the financial industry business tax, health and welfare contributions, special tax of goods an...
  • flag_taiwan 2 Views


    Title in English:


    1.資料來源:衛生福利部統計處死因統計檔。 2.參照2014年W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications定義計算。 3.年中人口數係以內政部公布之年底人口數自行計算。

    Description in English:

    [MT] 1. Source: Ministry of Health and Welfare statistics were killed due to file. 2. Referring 2014 W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications define a calculation. Population Population own cal...
  • flag_taiwan 1 View


    Title in English:


    1.資料來源:衛生福利部統計處死因統計檔。 2.參照2014年W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications定義計算。 3.年中人口數係以內政部公布之年底人口數自行計算。

    Description in English:

    [MT] 1. Source: Ministry of Health and Welfare statistics were killed due to file. 2. Referring 2014 W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications define a calculation. Population Population own cal...
  • flag_taiwan 1 View


    Title in English:


    1.資料來源:衛生福利部統計處死因統計檔。 2.參照2014年W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications定義計算。 3.年中人口數係以內政部公布之年底人口數自行計算。

    Description in English:

    [MT] 1. Source: Ministry of Health and Welfare statistics were killed due to file. 2. Referring 2014 W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications define a calculation. Population Population own cal...
  • flag_taiwan 2 Views


    Title in English:


    1.資料來源:衛生福利部統計處死因統計檔。 2.參照2014年W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications定義計算。 3.年中人口數係以內政部公布之年底人口數自行計算。

    Description in English:

    [MT] 1. Source: Ministry of Health and Welfare statistics were killed due to file. 2. Referring 2014 W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications define a calculation. Population Population own cal...
  • flag_taiwan 1 View


    Title in English:


    1.資料來源:衛生福利部統計處死因統計檔。 2.參照2014年W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications定義計算。 3.年中人口數係以內政部公布之年底人口數自行計算。

    Description in English:

    [MT] 1. Source: Ministry of Health and Welfare statistics were killed due to file. 2. Referring 2014 W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications define a calculation. Population Population own cal...
  • flag_taiwan 3 Views


    Title in English:


    1.資料來源:衛生福利部統計處死因統計檔。 2.參照2014年W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications定義計算。 3.年中人口數係以內政部公布之年底人口數自行計算。

    Description in English:

    [MT] 1. Source: Ministry of Health and Welfare statistics were killed due to file. 2. Referring 2014 W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications define a calculation. Population Population own cal...
  • flag_taiwan 1 View


    Title in English:


    1.資料來源:衛生福利部統計處死因統計檔。 2.參照2014年W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications定義計算。 3.年中人口數係以內政部公布之年底人口數自行計算。

    Description in English:

    [MT] 1. Source: Ministry of Health and Welfare statistics were killed due to file. 2. Referring 2014 W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications define a calculation. Population Population own cal...
  • flag_taiwan 3 Views


    Title in English:


    1.資料來源:衛生福利部統計處死因統計檔。 2.參照2014年W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications定義計算。 3.年中人口數係以內政部公布之年底人口數自行計算。

    Description in English:

    [MT] 1. Source: Ministry of Health and Welfare statistics were killed due to file. 2. Referring 2014 W.H.O. Noncommunicable Diseases Global Monitoring Framework: Indicator Definition and Specifications define a calculation. Population Population own cal...
  • flag_taiwan 2 Views


    Title in English:



    Description in English:

    [MT] This data set is a unique COA Species Research Center for Applied social platform Facebook set up a "Mu City of Light - Moth World" societies, shared by the members of the association and moth photo provided camera date and place, especially by the...
  • flag_taiwan 1 View


    Title in English:



    Description in English:

    [MT] Sources of revenue other balance sheet, annual expenditure of public affairs do not balance sheet, statement of accounts for the age of the other organs, the age of the previous year politics do not Transferred balance sheet, annual expenditure in ...
  • flag_taiwan 2 Views


    Title in English:



    Description in English:

    [MT] The new treatment penetration rate is calculated based on the construction of sewerage fifth amendment to the plan to take over the household multiplied by the number of households divided by the total amount of county and city population derived f...
  • flag_taiwan 2 Views


    Title in English:



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    [MT] By complement (donate) to help the unit, approval date, allocated a total amount up (donate) to help matters or use other counties
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