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Economies: Taiwan Tags: 主計

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  • flag_taiwan 2 Views


    Title in English:


    1.105年度新北市總決算平衡表2.單位:新臺幣元 3.各項欄位說明詳參"新北市政府主計處網頁->總決算->104年度新北市總決算"( http://www.bas.ntpc.gov.tw/content/?parent_id=10479)或電洽主計處查詢。

    Description in English:

    [MT] . 1105 annual accounts of the balance sheet total, New Taipei City 2. Unit: NT $ 3. detailed description of the field reference "New Taipei City Government Accounting and Statistics web page -> Total accounts -> New Taipei City 104 annual final acc...
  • flag_taiwan 2 Views


    Title in English:


    1.106年度新北市總決算歲入歲出性質及餘絀簡明分析表 2.單位:新臺幣元 3.各項欄位說明詳參"新北市政府主計處網頁->總決算->104年度新北市總決算"(http://www.bas.ntpc.gov.tw/content/?parent_id=10478&type_id=10011)或電洽主計處查詢。

    Description in English:

    [MT] . 1106 annual accounts of the new Taipei total annual revenue annual expenditure and the nature of surplus and deficit concise analysis Table 2. Unit: NT $ 3. detailed description of the field reference "New Taipei City Government Accounting and St...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    1.104年度新北市總決算歲出政事別決算總表 2.單位:新臺幣元 3.各項欄位說明詳參"新北市政府主計處網頁->總決算->104年度新北市總決算"(http://www.bas.ntpc.gov.tw/content/?parent_id=10478&type_id=10011)或電洽主計處查詢。

    Description in English:

    [MT] . 1104 annual accounts total annual expenditure New Taipei City government affairs do not always accounts Table 2. Unit: NT $ 3. detailed description of the field reference "New Taipei City Government Accounting and Statistics web page -> Total acc...
  • flag_taiwan 2 Views


    Title in English:


    1.105年度新北市總決算歲計餘絀分析表 2.單位:新臺幣元 3.各項欄位說明詳參"新北市政府主計處網頁->總決算->104年度新北市總決算"(http://www.bas.ntpc.gov.tw/content/?parent_id=10478&type_id=10011)或電洽主計處查詢。

    Description in English:

    [MT] . 1105 annual accounts year-old New Taipei City, the total count surplus and deficit analysis Table 2. Unit: NT $ 3. detailed description of the field reference "New Taipei City Government Accounting and Statistics web page -> Total accounts -> New...
  • flag_taiwan 1 View


    Title in English:


    1.105年度新北市總決算累計餘絀計算表 2.單位:新臺幣元 3.各項欄位說明詳參"新北市政府主計處網頁->總決算->104年度新北市總決算"(http://www.bas.ntpc.gov.tw/content/?parent_id=10478&type_id=10011)或電洽主計處查詢。4.附註表格若為空格則表示該筆無資料

    Description in English:

    [MT] New Taipei 1105 annual accounts total more than the cumulative constraints Calculation Table 2. Unit: NT $ 3. detailed description of the field reference "New Taipei City Government Accounting and Statistics web page -> Total accounts -> New Taipei...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    1.104年度新北市總決算收支簡明比較分析表 2.單位:新臺幣元 3.各項欄位說明詳參"新北市政府主計處網頁->總決算->104年度新北市總決算"( http://www.bas.ntpc.gov.tw/content/?parent_id=10478&type_id=10011)或電洽主計處查詢。

    Description in English:

    [MT] . 1104 annual accounts total new Taipei concise comparative analysis of the balance of payments Table 2. Unit: NT $ 3. detailed description of the field reference "New Taipei City Government Accounting and Statistics web page -> Total accounts -> N...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    1.105年度新北市總決算歲出政事別決算總表 2.單位:新臺幣元 3.各項欄位說明詳參"新北市政府主計處網頁->總決算->104年度新北市總決算"(http://www.bas.ntpc.gov.tw/content/?parent_id=10478&type_id=10011)或電洽主計處查詢。

    Description in English:

    [MT] . 1105 annual accounts total annual expenditure New Taipei City government affairs do not always accounts Table 2. Unit: NT $ 3. detailed description of the field reference "New Taipei City Government Accounting and Statistics web page -> Total acc...
  • flag_taiwan 1 View


    Title in English:


    1.104年度新北市總決算歲入來源別決算總表 2.單位:新臺幣元 3.各項欄位說明詳參"新北市政府主計處網頁->總決算->104年度新北市總決算"(http://www.bas.ntpc.gov.tw/content/?parent_id=10478&type_id=10011)或電洽主計處查詢。

    Description in English:

    [MT] . 1104 annual accounts of the new Taipei total revenue sources do not always accounts Table 2. Unit: NT $ 3. detailed description of the field reference "New Taipei City Government Accounting and Statistics web page -> Total accounts -> New Taipei ...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    1.106年度新北市總決算歲計餘絀分析表 2.單位:新臺幣元 3.各項欄位說明詳參"新北市政府主計處網頁->總決算->104年度新北市總決算"(http://www.bas.ntpc.gov.tw/content/?parent_id=10478&type_id=10011)或電洽主計處查詢。

    Description in English:

    [MT] . 1106 annual accounts year-old New Taipei City, the total count surplus and deficit analysis Table 2. Unit: NT $ 3. detailed description of the field reference "New Taipei City Government Accounting and Statistics web page -> Total accounts -> New...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    1.106年度新北市總決算累計餘絀計算表 2.單位:新臺幣元 3.各項欄位說明詳參"新北市政府主計處網頁->總決算->104年度新北市總決算"(http://www.bas.ntpc.gov.tw/content/?parent_id=10478&type_id=10011)或電洽主計處查詢。4.附註表格若為空格則表示該筆無資料

    Description in English:

    [MT] New Taipei 1106 annual accounts total cumulative surplus and deficit calculation table 2. Unit: NT $ 3. detailed description of the field reference "New Taipei City Government Accounting and Statistics web page -> Total accounts -> New Taipei City ...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    1.106年度新北市總決算平衡表2.單位:新臺幣元 3.各項欄位說明詳參"新北市政府主計處網頁->總決算->104年度新北市總決算"( http://www.bas.ntpc.gov.tw/content/?parent_id=10479)或電洽主計處查詢。

    Description in English:

    [MT] . 1106 annual accounts of the balance sheet total, New Taipei City 2. Unit: NT $ 3. detailed description of the field reference "New Taipei City Government Accounting and Statistics web page -> Total accounts -> New Taipei City 104 annual final acc...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    1.106年度新北市總決算歲出機關別決算總表 2.單位:新臺幣元 3.各項欄位說明詳參"新北市政府主計處網頁->總決算->104年度新北市總決算"(http://www.bas.ntpc.gov.tw/content/?parent_id=10478&type_id=10011)或電洽主計處查詢。

    Description in English:

    [MT] . 1106 annual accounts total annual expenditure New Taipei City authorities do not always accounts Table 2. Unit: NT $ 3. detailed description of the field reference "New Taipei City Government Accounting and Statistics web page -> Total accounts -...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:



    Description in English:

    [MT] Budget and perform several common ratio, which contains information on the project name, Budget, cumulative real number sign (Unit: 100 million), the total paid-up number (Unit: 100 million) and other statistical information.
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:



    Description in English:

    [MT] New Taipei City iMAP land available for adoption green landscaping environmental topics
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:



    Description in English:

    [MT] New Taipei City Government Bureau of Finance administered by the city of leasing land auction inventory
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    1.新北市幼兒托育(含性別) 2.單位:人 3.各項欄位說明詳參新北市性別圖像電子檔(網址:http://www.bas.ntpc.gov.tw/home.jsp?id=MTI5)或電洽主計處查詢。

    Description in English:

    [MT] 1. New Taipei City Child care (including sex) 2. Unit: persons 3. detailed description of the fields reference the new Taipei gender electronic image file (URL: http: //www.bas.ntpc.gov.tw/home.jsp id = MTI5?) Or call DGBAS query.
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    1.新北市客家文化(含性別) 2.單位:人;% 3.各項欄位說明詳參新北市性別圖像電子檔(網址:http://www.bas.ntpc.gov.tw/home.jsp?id=MTI5)或電洽主計處查詢。

    Description in English:

    [MT] 1. New Taipei City Hakka culture (including gender) 2. Unit: persons;% 3. detailed description of the fields reference the new Taipei gender electronic image file (URL: http: //www.bas.ntpc.gov.tw/home.jsp id = MTI5?) Or call DGBAS query.
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    1.新北市緊急救護服務(含性別) 2.單位:人;% 3.各項欄位說明詳參新北市性別圖像電子檔(網址:http://www.bas.ntpc.gov.tw/home.jsp?id=MTI5)或電洽主計處查詢。

    Description in English:

    [MT] 1. New Taipei City emergency ambulance services (including sex) 2. Unit: persons;% 3. detailed description of the fields reference the new Taipei gender electronic image file (URL: http: //www.bas.ntpc.gov.tw/home.jsp id = MTI5?) Or call DGBAS qu...
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    1.新北市職業訓練(含性別) 2.單位:人次 3.各項欄位說明詳參新北市性別圖像電子檔(網址:http://www.bas.ntpc.gov.tw/home.jsp?id=MTI5)或電洽主計處查詢。

    Description in English:

    [MT] 1. New Taipei City Vocational Training (including sex) 2. Unit: passengers 3. detailed description of the fields reference the new Taipei gender electronic image file (URL: http: //www.bas.ntpc.gov.tw/home.jsp id = MTI5?) Or call DGBAS query.
  • flag_taiwan


    Title in English:


    1.新北市義消人數及火災死傷人數(含性別) 2.單位:人 3.各項欄位說明詳參新北市性別圖像電子檔(網址:http://www.bas.ntpc.gov.tw/home.jsp?id=MTI5)或電洽主計處查詢。

    Description in English:

    [MT] 1. New Taipei City Consumer meaning the number and the number of fire deaths and injuries (including sex) 2. Unit: persons 3. detailed description of the fields reference the new Taipei gender electronic image file (URL: http: //www.bas.ntpc.gov....
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