Title in English:
ข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับ ศูนย์อบรมศาสนาอิสลามและจริยธรรมประจำมัสยิด (ศอม.) https://e-service.dra.go.th/religion/islam/mosque ระเบียบและหลักเกณฑ์...Description in English:
[MT] - Information about The Islamic Training Center and Ethics of the Mosque (OCS) https://e-ervice.dra.go.th/religion/islam/mosque- Regulations and criteria The Islamic Training Center and Ethics of the Mosque (OPC) https://e-book.dra.go.th/p/241.html -
Title in English:
This dataset shows the Commercial banks and Islamic banks : Classification of loans/financing by purpose, 2006 - 2020 Footnote Sub-total may not necessarily add up to grand...Description in English:
This dataset shows the Commercial banks and Islamic banks : Classification of loans/financing by purpose, 2006 - 2020FootnoteSub-total may not necessarily add up to grand total due to rounding.SourceBank Negara Malaysia -
Title in English:
This dataset shows the Commercial Banks and Islamic Banks : Classification Of Loans / Financing By Sector, 2006 - 2020 Footnote The definition of the economic sectors/industries...Description in English:
This dataset shows the Commercial Banks and Islamic Banks : Classification Of Loans / Financing By Sector, 2006 - 2020FootnoteThe definition of the economic sectors/industries are based on the Malaysian Standard Industrial Classification (MSIC) 2000Hous... -
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Turnover of Conventional and Islamic Money MarketDescription in English:
Turnover of Conventional and Islamic Money Market