Commercial Banks and Islamic Banks : Classification of Loans / Financing by Purpose
Commercial Banks and Islamic Banks : Classification of Loans / Financing by Purpose

This dataset shows the Commercial banks and Islamic banks : Classification of loans/financing by purpose, 2006 - 2020

Footnote Sub-total may not necessarily add up to grand total due to rounding.

Source Bank Negara Malaysia

This dataset shows the Commercial banks and Islamic banks : Classification of loans/financing by purpose, 2006 - 2020FootnoteSub-total may not necessarily add up to grand total due to rounding.SourceBank Negara Malaysia

Data and Resources

  • dataset CSV

    This dataset shows the Commercial banks and Islamic banks : Classification of...

Additional Info

Field Value
Maintainer DATA@DOSM
Last Updated January 5, 2023, 19:39 (CST)
Created January 5, 2023, 19:38 (CST)
DPA_DateImported 230051532
DPA_former_id c226fbec-6b74-44d2-b579-093c9527e7b6
DPA_former_name commercial-banks-and-islamic-banks-classification-of-loans-financing-by-purpose
DPA_former_owner_org d4c131a7-0b85-4d00-ad23-4ce14de21e8a
DPA_former_site http://www.data.gov.my/data/en_US
AODP Economy Malaysia