135 datasets found

Contents in English are mainly machine translated, may not reflect the exact meaning.

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  • flag_singapore 3 Views


    Title in English:


    Credit and charge cards refer to any article, whether in physical or electronic form, of a kind commonly known as a credit card or charge card or any similar article intended...

    Description in English:

    Credit and charge cards refer to any article, whether in physical or electronic form, of a kind commonly known as a credit card or charge card or any similar article intended for use in purchasing goods or services on credit, whether or not the card is ...
  • flag_singapore 5 Views Popular


    Title in English:


    Number of companies, amount of chargeable income and net tax assessed of taxable companies by economic sectors for Year of Assessment (YA)2004 to YA2018. Income is assessed on a...

    Description in English:

    Number of companies, amount of chargeable income and net tax assessed of taxable companies by economic sectors for Year of Assessment (YA)2004 to YA2018. Income is assessed on a preceding year basis. The basis period for any YA is the financial year end...
  • flag_singapore 3 Views


    Title in English:


    Number of GST-registered businesses, percentage of businesses in net GST refund position, amount and percentage of net GST contribution with breakdown by economic sectors for...

    Description in English:

    Number of GST-registered businesses, percentage of businesses in net GST refund position, amount and percentage of net GST contribution with breakdown by economic sectors for Financial Year (FY)2004 to FY2018.
  • flag_singapore 4 Views


    Title in English:


    Recycling rate (%) of waste (by type) generated & recycled per year

    Description in English:

    Recycling rate (%) of waste (by type) generated & recycled per year
  • flag_singapore 1 View


    Title in English:


    Million tonnes of waste recycled per year Singapore’s Sustainable Blueprint target for 2030 is 70% for overall recycling rate, 30% for domestic recycling rate and 81% for...

    Description in English:

    Million tonnes of waste recycled per year Singapore’s Sustainable Blueprint target for 2030 is 70% for overall recycling rate, 30% for domestic recycling rate and 81% for non-domestic recycling rate.
  • flag_singapore 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Kilogram of domestic waste disposed per day per person

    Description in English:

    Kilogram of domestic waste disposed per day per person
  • flag_singapore 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Million tons of domestic waste disposed per year

    Description in English:

    Million tons of domestic waste disposed per year
  • flag_singapore 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Million tonnes of waste generated per year Total waste generated is the sum of Total waste recycled, Total waste incinerated and Total waste landfilled

    Description in English:

    Million tonnes of waste generated per year Total waste generated is the sum of Total waste recycled, Total waste incinerated and Total waste landfilled
  • flag_singapore 2 Views


    Title in English:


    To track the level of infocomm usage by enterprises (Please refer to URL: http://www.ida.gov.sg/Tech-Scene-News/Facts-and-Figures/Survey-Reports)

    Description in English:

    To track the level of infocomm usage by enterprises (Please refer to URL: http://www.ida.gov.sg/Tech-Scene-News/Facts-and-Figures/Survey-Reports)
  • flag_singapore 7 Views Popular


    Title in English:


    Resale transacted prices. Prior to March 2012, data is based on date of approval for the resale transactions. For March 2012 onwards, the data is based on date of registration...

    Description in English:

    Resale transacted prices. Prior to March 2012, data is based on date of approval for the resale transactions. For March 2012 onwards, the data is based on date of registration for the resale transactions.
  • flag_singapore 2 Views


    Title in English:


    The CPI is designed to measure the average price changes in a fixed basket of consumption goods and services commonly purchased by the resident households over time. It is...

    Description in English:

    The CPI is designed to measure the average price changes in a fixed basket of consumption goods and services commonly purchased by the resident households over time. It is commonly used as a measure of consumer price inflation. The Base Year is 2014.
  • flag_singapore 1 View


    Title in English:


    The total includes both loans in the Domestic Banking Unit (DBU) and the Asian Currency Unit (ACU). All figures in S$ millions and are as of end of each month. From March 2004,...

    Description in English:

    The total includes both loans in the Domestic Banking Unit (DBU) and the Asian Currency Unit (ACU). All figures in S$ millions and are as of end of each month. From March 2004, the industry categories have been refined according to the Singapore Stan...
  • flag_singapore 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Limits granted refers to the maximum loan amount granted to customers. Loans utilised refers to the amount of loan drawn down by customers.

    Description in English:

    Limits granted refers to the maximum loan amount granted to customers. Loans utilised refers to the amount of loan drawn down by customers.
  • flag_singapore 5 Views Popular


    Title in English:


    This report shows the total number of visitor arrivals from the world to Singapore for the range of period selected.

    Description in English:

    This report shows the total number of visitor arrivals from the world to Singapore for the range of period selected.
  • flag_singapore 2 Views


    Title in English:


    Tracks the overall price movement of the public residential market. The index is based on quarterly average resale price by date of registration. The index till 3Q2014 was...

    Description in English:

    Tracks the overall price movement of the public residential market. The index is based on quarterly average resale price by date of registration. The index till 3Q2014 was computed using stratification method, while that from 4Q2014 onwards is comput...
  • flag_singapore 1 View


    Title in English:


    Exchange rate for the Singapore Dollar per unit of US Dollar. The rates are the average of buying and selling interbank rates quoted around midday in Singapore. All rates are...

    Description in English:

    Exchange rate for the Singapore Dollar per unit of US Dollar. The rates are the average of buying and selling interbank rates quoted around midday in Singapore. All rates are obtained, with permission, from Thomson Reuters and disseminated to the pu...
  • flag_singapore


    Title in English:


    Performance of students at national examinations.

    Description in English:

    Performance of students at national examinations.
  • flag_singapore 1 View


    Title in English:


    SOURCE: MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND WATER RESOURCES, NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT AGENCY Data exclude metals recovered from incineration bottom ash in a new metal recovery facility...

    Description in English:

    SOURCE: MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND WATER RESOURCES, NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT AGENCY Data exclude metals recovered from incineration bottom ash in a new metal recovery facility commissioned in 2015.
  • flag_singapore 5 Views Popular


    Title in English:


    Published in Report on Registration of Births and Deaths which aims to provide an overview on the annual changes in population, births and deaths. Note: The causes of death are...

    Description in English:

    Published in Report on Registration of Births and Deaths which aims to provide an overview on the annual changes in population, births and deaths. Note: The causes of death are adapted from the Mortality Tabulation List of the International Classific...
  • flag_singapore 5 Views Popular


    Title in English:


    Weekly publication of statistics on local infectious disease situation. Each epidemiological week begins on a Sunday and ends on Saturday.

    Description in English:

    Weekly publication of statistics on local infectious disease situation. Each epidemiological week begins on a Sunday and ends on Saturday.